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Image by Hans Eiskonen

Common Questions

What if I don't know how to dance?

You will by the time you leave! You don't need to know anything before joining in. in fact, it might be better if you don't so we can teach you the New England style. We're quite proud of it.

Do I need fancy shoes?

Not in the halls we are presently using. If we get a hall with good wood floors we'll have to ask for dedicated dance shoes--ones you don't wear out in the street.

What does it cost?

Right now Ruth does not charge but when she does it will be $5 per person, teens and children free.

If and when we have  live musicians we'll need to charge more to pay the fiddler!

Can I hire you to do a wedding or family event?

Sure! Let's talk. Ruth especially enjoys getting people who have never danced up on the floor and dancing.

As Chef Gusteau famously said, "Anyone can cook!" so Ruth will say, "Anyone can dance!"

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